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I'm Joe.

a developer.

a creator.

an entrepreneur.

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Joe Baumgartel Headshot

Hello, I'm Joe Baumgartel.

I'm a business owner and seasoned technical team leader with 10 years’ experience leading teams on-and off-shore in product development, systems architecture, business development, digital marketing, and business and systems administration.

My Skills.

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Business and Entrepreneurship

My family has a rich background in both business and technology, and I was fortunate to have been exposed to both from an early age. I began my entrepreneurial journey with a guitar teaching business, but once I honed my technical skills, I shifted my focus to software development. Over time, I founded multiple successful internet businesses, including a cutting-edge video streaming platform and an online marketplace that connects subject matter experts with clients worldwide to help them achieve their goals. My latest passion project is a state-of-the-art video podcast production and photography studio with breathtaking views of the Las Vegas Strip. It's been incredibly fun and rewarding, and I'm excited to see where it takes me next.

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Product Management

As a startup founder in tech companies, I’ve had to wear many hats, and my role often closely aligns with that of product manager. I oversee the development and launch of new products, working with a cross-functional team that includes design, engineering, marketing, and sales. I look to ensure that our products not only meet the needs of our target audience but also align with our company's goals. I do market research and risk assessment, and create user feedback surveys using tools like Maze, Google Forms, and Instagram survey ads to identify pain points and opportunities for improvement. I use data-driven tools such as heat maps, Google Tag Manager, and Google Analytics to monitor product performance and make informed decisions to enhance success. Acting as owner of features and core parts of products across web and mobile platforms, I collaborate with engineers and designers to create detailed specs, wireframes, and MVPs. I have to communicate clearly and concisely with both technical and non-technical stakeholders to make sure that everyone is aligned with product strategies and roadmaps. Working alongside marketers and sales operations, I develop engagement strategies that cater to global market needs while ensuring regulatory compliance. I follow Agile methodologies, and constantly track KPIs to improve product performance, engagement, and customer satisfaction.

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Data Analysis

Drawing on my programming background, I'm proficient in languages like SQL, R, and Python, as well as tools such as Azure DevOps, Git, and various types of databases. I'm well-versed in using visualization tools like Tableau and RStudio to create compelling charts and dashboards that convey data-driven insights. Because of my business history, I specialize in analyzing sales and marketing data to generate actionable insights that drive revenue growth. As an experienced team leader and executive, I have a knack for manipulating, interpreting, and presenting data in a clear and concise manner that resonates with stakeholders. I'm also highly skilled in Excel and Google Sheets, frequently leveraging tools like pivot tables and functions such as VLOOKUP to facilitate my work.

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Web Development

I possess a wide range of technical proficiencies, including a mastery of essential web development languages like HTML, CSS, and JS. I have leveraged my expertise in these languages to create robust websites using both .NET and REACT frameworks. I also have a deep understanding of the Linux operating system, which I have leveraged in various projects over the years. My security-minded approach ensures that all projects are designed and implemented with best practices in mind, and I am well-versed in vulnerability assessment and risk management. I'm familiar with cloud hosting services like AWS and Azure, I know DNS management and CDNs, and I'm skilled with Git. My programming fluency extends beyond web development, with experience working in R, SQL, Java, C, C#, and Python.

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App Development

I have a proven track record in mobile app development, having successfully designed and built apps for both Android and iOS platforms. Furthermore, I possess a deep understanding of web and cross-platform application development, with a wealth of experience creating solutions that function seamlessly across multiple devices and operating systems.

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Digital Marketing

As a seasoned business leader and lean startup founder, I have a wealth of experience and expertise in digital marketing and SEO. I am proud to be a certified Google Ads professional and have spearheaded several successful blogging initiatives that have increased traffic and enhanced search rankings. My proficiency extends to developing, optimizing, and managing websites on CMS platforms like Wordpress and Webflow, and I have a demonstrated history of success managing targeted advertising campaigns, leveraging powerful tools such as Meta Business Suite to achieve outstanding results. Additionally, I bring extensive experience in maintaining Mailchimp audiences and designing email automations and journeys, as well as integrating transactional email via the Mandrill API.

My Hobbies.

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Music Performance

My passion for music has been a lifelong pursuit. After attending the prestigious Hartford Conservatory, where I earned a diploma in Jazz Performance, I began teaching guitar in my teenage years and continued through my early 20s. For over a decade, I made my living as a professional musician, performing across various genres, from Country to Rap. Equally adept at playing acoustic fingerstyle and electric rock solos, I bring a diverse range of musical talents to the table. Click here to hear me sing and play some of the music I've written.

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Martial Arts

Staying in top physical form and pushing my limits are important aspects of my life, and Muay Thai kickboxing is the perfect way to achieve both. Additionally, I enjoy exploring Brazilian Jiu Jitsu whenever time permits. Living in the heart of the UFC in Las Vegas, NV has been a blessing, affording me the opportunity to train at one of the world's top gyms on a consistent basis.

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